My Book – Photo Fun – A Great Gift
Here are a few clips from my book – Rethinking Digital Photography HDR “In photography, capturing details in low light areas of the image scene (the shadows) as…
Here are a few clips from my book – Rethinking Digital Photography HDR “In photography, capturing details in low light areas of the image scene (the shadows) as…
Video – Paul Strand – Under The Dark Cloth………”To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world.” – Paul Strand
A photograph can purposely leave things out. Depending on the intent, photographs only shows us what the maker wants us to see. They are purposefully selective. We want to believe that the scenes are full circle, similar to what is outside the frame, factual and as environmentally pristine as they seem magnificent.
Fellow artist Bill Yates travels the roads of the South……The southern road seemed to beg your attention for what was just ahead. While there is plenty of this that can be seen in the rest of America, no place shows it like the south. No place else that I know shows its…
Oscar was the first to open my eyes to photography, the related arts and to many great photographers. He also promoted the idea of play…
The slit scans here were created from a.……… While many cameras these days can produce a panorama simply by moving the camera through an arc, an actual slit scan produces a very different kind of image.
The modern world moves at a variety of frequencies, which blend together into what might be called.… Everywhere, there are the artifacts of human technology and so-called advancement. The old and the new get layered into a maze of wires, signs, buildings, concrete, roadways…Photography is…
Insuring that the lens is secure from slipping will also insure a perfect alignment when processing the files in software. Any deviation from the focus or the zoom will effect the outcome of the final image/images. Read more…
“Ultimately, it is the photographer who needs to recognize the potential of a particular moment. It is his or her responsibility to avoid typical representations and the likelihood of producing uninspired and unimaginative photographic likeness. … ” – Read more…