To Caption or Not To Caption?
If I have to explain it, it isn’t free to do its thing………The viewer brings their own history to the table. It is best when they are forced to think.
If I have to explain it, it isn’t free to do its thing………The viewer brings their own history to the table. It is best when they are forced to think.
I’ve grown to look for it to happen. But most of the time, it just occurs. It is one of those things that makes an image that much more wonderful. It is sometimes referred to as an echo.
Yes. Even as you view the upright image on your iPhone or iPad, you are actually looking at an image that has been corrected to show you the scene with the correct orientation.
Intention doesn’t narrow the creative possibility. It simply makes the goals more perceivable. Serendipity follows in droves.
By working, I believe it must be more than a reflection of the object. It needs to have a new life,………quotation, concept,………PHOTOGRAPHY
Photography isn’t a picture contest. Neither is it a way to make friends. Rather, it is a…………