Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2021 Poster
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2021 Poster Each year for nearly two decades, thousands of people from around the planet have participated in the annual WPPD event. The event is…
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2021 Poster Each year for nearly two decades, thousands of people from around the planet have participated in the annual WPPD event. The event is…
2020 WPPD Poster and a bit about the event. Over the past eighteen years, I have looked forward to the last Sunday in April. Each year, WPPD – Worldwide Pinhole…
I am a photographer that loves to experiment. Pinhole photography is a great way to learn about light. It is a crazy tool for making some pretty unique imagery that would be impossible to create with a lensed camera.
Winogrand means that the image becomes something different as a result of its framing. I think he framed beautifully. I do not believe his work was haphazard. He knew where he was and anticipated the subject.
Between now and April 26th, I’ll be talking about pinhole cameras, pinholes, zone plates, and many other topics around pinhole photography.……Each year of the event I create a poster that you can download and post so that others can know about the event.
I was recently given the beautiful Hasselblad above by my dear friend,…… American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War: Carole Gallagher, a startling look at the effects of atomic fallout from the nuclear testing in the American West on those people who lived downwind. Carole’s beautiful black and white photographs taken of the victims and families who were affected by radioactive contamination are a dramatic account of their involuntary participation in the atomic age.
In my mind, truth should be the goal of every image and the understanding of that truth, the prize.
Matchbox Pinhole Camera Project – In this post, we will load the film and assemble the component
120 film is a roll-film that has a paper backing to protect the actual film. The film is wound tightly onto a spool that is designed to protect the film from direct exposure to light. To use this film, we will also need an empty take-up spool.
One of the beauties of the pinhole is that the shape of the container used transforms the images produced.………Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is April 27, 2014