Category Archives: Gear


Yes. Even as you view the upright image on your iPhone or iPad, you are actually looking at an image that has been corrected to show you the scene with the correct orientation.

Photographic Snake Oil

All it takes is some imaginative use of the equipment you probably already own. Photography is about light. It is also about enlightenment. Neither of these requires much more than a box and a lens to capture.


FUJINON WEATHER-RESISTANT XF18-135………”Weather proofing is one of the better concepts in new lens and camera design.” – Author

The Gimbaled Tripod Head

There is another kind of tripod head, which is meant to be used for action photography. Its purpose is to support ……

Shoot Your HDR on a String – Make a handheld HDR support

The device here is called a String-pod. It can be an effective tool to help steady the camera during most daylight HDR sequences as well as exposure times that are…………

Nighttime Photography with a Flashlight

Nocturnal light painting with a flashlight is a way to make sure that the important subject details are illuminated in the final rendition.

Dirkon – The Paper Pinhole Camera

Personally, I find the HOLE idea, (excuse the pun) absolutely amazing. Pinhole is magical in that it requires no sensor, no mechanical parts and no lens. While it is possible to use a pinhole in place of a lens on a digital camera to take pinhole images, a tiny hole in a simple box with a piece of light sensitive material inside is far more impressive.

120 Matchbox Pinhole Project – Part 1

The only thing I knew at that point was that that a large size matchbox has the same height dimension as a roll of 120 film. I also realized that 120 film which does not have a cassette, would require a much more robust system to make it function in this setup.