Category Archives: Creativity

“The Angel of Chance” and the Photograph

A good photographer knows that something interesting is imminent, present and/or just about to happen. It is something in the air, the light, the dynamics of the present moment that somehow comes together in order to fabricate a special instant of time and space.

Happy New Year! 2014

“Let’s hope 2014 will be more intelligent, rational, less materialistic, more people friendly. Let’s hope for a greener environment, with less oil, more humanity, more tolerance of others, good health for all and …”

Inspiration – Kim Keever – Fish Tank Landscapes

Kim creates his dioramas within the realm of a 200-gallon tank filled with water and photographs the final results with a camera.

Breaking the Rules = Discovery

Creativity has very little to do with conformity. Breaking the rules allows us to develop ourselves more creatively. It is how we establish originality.

The Pirates of Photographic Creativity

In the new world of camera and phone apps much of what some people think is creative happens because of software engineers who appropriated those looks from the real creative artists who originated them. Not that anyone seems to care.

Painterly Textures Using the Amazing ArtMatic

When linked to the rest of their suite, there is no end to the possibilities for photography, video, design, sound creation and music.

Pushing the Pinhole Image

Personally, I find that simply toning the image makes it seem more interesting. However, I usually don’t stop there. I like to enhance the images using the incredible tools available to me through…Read more…


  Mandala – A geometric figure representing the universe in Hinduism and Buddhist symbolism.   As a kid, I used to love to see the world as reflected through a toy kaleidoscope. In…