2017 Pinhole Day Is Only A Few Weeks Away
Each winter for well over a decade, I get the bug to build a pinhole camera. Winter is the … the annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event coming up at the end of each April.
Each winter for well over a decade, I get the bug to build a pinhole camera. Winter is the … the annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event coming up at the end of each April.
Focus is an essential tool that goes beyond what most might consider………”It isn’t easy to marry those two discussions but Neel manages to do it very smoothly. He provides a general understanding of the concepts before he shows you how to use the gear to apply them in practice. You actually have the feeling of having learned something.”
There are many good reasons to use a prime focus lens. Probably the most interesting to me is……Each time I go for a walk, I find something to photograph. Even if it is familiar territory such as a walk around the block, the world finds ways of changing from the time before. The 85mm Tamron F1.8 SP
It isn’t easy to marry those two discussions but Neel manages to do it very smoothly. He provides a general understanding of the concepts before he shows you how to use the gear to apply them in practice. You actually have the feeling of having learned something.best photography book, great photography book, 2016, 2017,book,my book,focus book,
“Photography is not found in the camera you use, what you know about…Photoshop, Lightroom…camera…
I believe it is important to question everything. To me, a photograph is meant to spur critical thought. A photograph is a way to view and interpret the world by means of examination. John Neel
The photographic image is simply a logical view of an artistic statement. It is an utterance made from the combined relationships of selective visual cues.
To me, a quotation is similar to a photograph. It is the essence of an idea or reasoning. It works as a kind of thought bubble meant to ignite…
Hope can simply be that you gain a new perspective on things by looking at the world through an open mind. My job as a photographer is to see the world through a camera. The reward, is what…