April 27 is Pinhole Day
Since 2004, I’ve participated in Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and created a poster commemorating an annual event known as WPPD. Here is the screen image poster made for 2025. www.pinholeday.org…
Since 2004, I’ve participated in Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and created a poster commemorating an annual event known as WPPD. Here is the screen image poster made for 2025. www.pinholeday.org…
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2021 Poster Each year for nearly two decades, thousands of people from around the planet have participated in the annual WPPD event. The event is…
2020 WPPD Poster and a bit about the event. Over the past eighteen years, I have looked forward to the last Sunday in April. Each year, WPPD – Worldwide Pinhole…
Advice my photography teachers gave to me — “If it is something you have seen before, DON’T DO IT.” Art is the voice of your vision.
The image is a way to speak. One of the more powerful uses of creativity is to use it as a way to tell. It is a language not too different from the written word. Photography is a creative process that can elevate the mind.
Each winter for well over a decade, I get the bug to build a pinhole camera. Winter is the … the annual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event coming up at the end of each April.
The use of a toy camera to make an image, is not to produce shallowness, but rather … The simplicity of a tool should not impair the vision. Photography and the simple camera.
A stereo image can easily be created with a pinhole camera that is designed with two pinholes. Pinhole photography
I am a photographer that loves to experiment. Pinhole photography is a great way to learn about light. It is a crazy tool for making some pretty unique imagery that would be impossible to create with a lensed camera.
Between now and April 24th, I’ll be getting ready to make and use a pinhole camera. I’ll also be posing a few posts about pinhole and pinhole related photography.