Category Archives: Truth

Passion in Pictures

In order to make a great photograph you need a worthy subject, a competent knowledge of the medium, your camera, a positive motive for making an image, something to say, and surely…

Are We in the Golden Age of Photography?

  Recently on Facebook, the question was asked – Are we in the Golden Age of photography? Here is my two cents on that. It seems that everyone is a…

What Happened to the Snapshot?

For the most part, the images people made were kept in albums and shoeboxes. The images were private, shown at family gatherings and sometimes shared with very close friends.

My Photography Friends – Michael Bach – The View at Mt. Ida

  Michael Bach is someone that I’ve only met on facebook. But his straight forward and matter of fact images help me to see him as a person with a…

$$$$ Dollars and Sense

Photography is a democratic tool. Anyone can practice and nearly anyone can develop the skills.

Sound, Silence and Seeing

Photography may be a way to turn ourselves around. It can play an important part in communicating what we have lost, what we are losing, and why we need to consider what we might do next. There are those photographers who see the world…


WATERMARK… Directed by Jennifer Baichwal & Edward Burtynsky…WATERMARK is a feature documentary film that brings together diverse stories from around the globe about our relationship with water…

Beyond the Frame – Seeing Is Believing

The framing of an image is a border of sorts. To a degree, it defines what the photographer wants you to experience. But the frame also has an implied extension that goes beyond what is visible.

Personal Perspective – Finding Your Self-Expression

The inspiration handed to you in a gallery or a book or on the Internet should be one that elevates you as an artist. It should pull you to wanting to make your work as powerful as what you are looking at. It is not about hype or being cool or making stuff up. It is about revealing truths.