In Frame Out of Frame
This article is a repost from 2013. The photographic image captures a segment of what is in front of the camera, but the viewer senses…
This article is a repost from 2013. The photographic image captures a segment of what is in front of the camera, but the viewer senses…
Breaking the rules – Rules are only rules! Rules when followed absolutely completely restrict creativity. Personally, I do not want restrictions to interfere with my creative endeavors. In order to…
Advice my photography teachers gave to me — “If it is something you have seen before, DON’T DO IT.” Art is the voice of your vision.
The image is a way to speak. One of the more powerful uses of creativity is to use it as a way to tell. It is a language not too different from the written word. Photography is a creative process that can elevate the mind.
To me, a quotation is similar to a photograph. It is the essence of an idea or reasoning. It works as a kind of thought bubble meant to ignite…
You are what you see. If you have something of interest to the rest of us, you will be seen for that effort. Creativity in any area, is about your voice and your way of working. Photography
Anything short of saving the environment should take a back seat until we can get the environment back. However, if we are all on the same page, those other details will likely fix themselves. …citizens and photographers