Category Archives: Other stuff

Creative Pinhole Camera Possibilities

I am a photographer that loves to experiment. Pinhole photography is a great way to learn about light. It is a crazy tool for making some pretty unique imagery that would be impossible to create with a lensed camera.

The True Purpose of Education

The purpose of education…education…education…education…education…It is about seeking…and becoming……You

The Next Pinhole Day Is Only A Few Weeks Away

Between now and April 24th, I’ll be getting ready to make and use a pinhole camera. I’ll also be posing a few posts about pinhole and pinhole related photography.



The picturesque landscape – A thing of the past?

Pristine landscape? ………picturesque landscape?……Fukushima, Chernobyl, all of the atomic bomb testing i……oil spills, over fishing, deforestation, Monsanto, mining, wars, carbon emissions, climate change,

Love our Enemies or Die

“……the presence of nuclear weapons in the world serves notice that the command to love one another is an absolute practical necessity………” — Wendell Berry

Evolution vs Where we are now.

“It seems to me that the minds of men have not yet fully evolved. If they had, we would not be in the terrible dilemma we all face living as we do on this very small and extremely fragile planet. ……photography and art.

Awesome is a Loosely Used Word in Photography

In the area of photography, it is a term used to describe the viewer’s preferences and perhaps the maker’s ego. I find it is often used to describe a camera image that someone seems to simply like. There is a huge difference between…and åwesome.

Elitist Photography Club

Is photography an elitist activity? Upper middle class? Does it need to be done with the best cameras and the best lenses?

In a recent post to a popular Facebook photography group asked a question about whether or not economic status should be considered