Love our Enemies or Die
“……the presence of nuclear weapons in the world serves notice that the command to love one another is an absolute practical necessity………” — Wendell Berry
“……the presence of nuclear weapons in the world serves notice that the command to love one another is an absolute practical necessity………” — Wendell Berry
Art is our mirror. It is a picture of who we are. Art is a road-map that we can use to see our progress as human beings.
Winogrand means that the image becomes something different as a result of its framing. I think he framed beautifully. I do not believe his work was haphazard. He knew where he was and anticipated the subject.
I used to like the old world of pastoral views, of waterfalls, forests and beauty. But that world is gone. It really doesn’t exist. We “screwed the pooch” as they say here in the real world.
The landscape … For many of us, it has become a witnessing of a world that has been transformed by ravenousness consumption caused by……
An open-minded photographer looks at the world in new ways and as such, they break away from…
In photography, there is only one rule that needs our full attention. The images we create need to skillfully………
“It seems to me that the minds of men have not yet fully evolved. If they had, we would not be in the terrible dilemma we all face living as we do on this very small and extremely fragile planet. ……photography and art.
Money and ignorance are killing everything we love and everything we need to survive. In terms of how well the earth is taking our abuse, we have been nearing a point of no return for some time already. Man has treated the earth with disrespect – totally ignoring the environment that we need to live, for way too long. We must…Photography
Is photography an elitist activity? Upper middle class? Does it need to be done with the best cameras and the best lenses?
In a recent post to a popular Facebook photography group asked a question about whether or not economic status should be considered