Shooting Stereo 3D Images with a Single Camera
To take the two pictures, it is important to have the camera at the same height and in a parallel position to the first shot rather than angled toward the subject.
To take the two pictures, it is important to have the camera at the same height and in a parallel position to the first shot rather than angled toward the subject.
The scanner is a strange animal in any photographic arsenal. It is actually a camera. It just doesn’t seem to be because it doesn’t look like one. But if you take one apart, you will find that it has a lens and a sensor of sorts.
Digital photography allows many things that film can’t possibly do. It offers an amazing amount of flexibility and creative possibility. But it is not the same experience as film at all.
Photographic and creative inspiration can come from many sources. Books, music and philosophy are great places to begin.
Add some brushes to that digital photo! And maybe a bit of animation too! Digital imaging has come a long way in recent times and everyone is looking for…
The computer tends to bring everything down to the same level. A painting by Monet, a photograph by Atget or Adams, ads for a camera, a car or an iPod all get the same treatment. There is no real scale, no real texture, little fidelity and no authenticity.
We are all guilty of shooting cliché imagery. Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. The cliché seems to have been ingrained into our DNA.
he Camera Obscura allowed the user to see the subject projected onto a ground glass. The projected image could be traced onto a translucent…
Here are a few quotes by some of the greatest image-maker’s and an essayist, as well as a few images, which I think help to illustrate what is stated.
The act of seeing can happen anywhere. Many people dream of going to a far away place to find the exotic as subject for their work. However,…