Tag Archives: artistic

When I photograph – Instinct and Anticipation

While the subject, light and composition are important, it is the deliberate – yet somewhat serendipitous connection between the elements that produce the image, sets the stage, and precipitates meaning.……photography

The Camera Records Much More Than An Image

The subjects you choose and the way in which you make an image tell a lot about you as a person. Photography, self-expression, camera

Babel Vision

Artists are generally only understood by other artists. Most people don’t get art at all – at least not enough to change their ways. Life is the same old story it has always been. Until the rest of the world sees the … the world will not change.

Art is the story of man and his/her world

Art has been the barometer for all societies since the beginning. Yesterday’s art was about what the world was like. Today’s art is about the NOW. Tomorrow’s art will depend on what happens next.

The next pinhole day is April 26, 2015 – Will you be ready?

Between now and April 26th, I’ll be talking about pinhole cameras, pinholes, zone plates, and many other topics around pinhole photography.……Each year of the event I create a poster that you can download and post so that others can know about the event.

My Goal as a Photographer

“My goal as a photographer is not to be like anyone else. I want to be unique in my vision………”

To Caption or Not To Caption?

If I have to explain it, it isn’t free to do its thing………The viewer brings their own history to the table. It is best when they are forced to think.

The Echo…cho…ho…o…in a photograph

I’ve grown to look for it to happen. But most of the time, it just occurs. It is one of those things that makes an image that much more wonderful. It is sometimes referred to as an echo.