Tag Archives: camera

Elitist Photography Club

Is photography an elitist activity? Upper middle class? Does it need to be done with the best cameras and the best lenses?

In a recent post to a popular Facebook photography group asked a question about whether or not economic status should be considered

When I photograph – Instinct and Anticipation

While the subject, light and composition are important, it is the deliberate – yet somewhat serendipitous connection between the elements that produce the image, sets the stage, and precipitates meaning.……photography

Series, Sequence and the Single Image

A single image can be compared to a book with a single word or sentence. I think multiple images might show that a photographer might…photographer has looked…

The next pinhole day is April 26, 2015 – Will you be ready?

Between now and April 26th, I’ll be talking about pinhole cameras, pinholes, zone plates, and many other topics around pinhole photography.……Each year of the event I create a poster that you can download and post so that others can know about the event.

My Goal as a Photographer

“My goal as a photographer is not to be like anyone else. I want to be unique in my vision………”