The Echo…cho…ho…o…in a photograph
I’ve grown to look for it to happen. But most of the time, it just occurs. It is one of those things that makes an image that much more wonderful. It is sometimes referred to as an echo.
I’ve grown to look for it to happen. But most of the time, it just occurs. It is one of those things that makes an image that much more wonderful. It is sometimes referred to as an echo.
Intention doesn’t narrow the creative possibility. It simply makes the goals more perceivable. Serendipity follows in droves.
The term landscape has very broad interpretation. It need not be limited to the usual trite representations we’ve seen a million times before. The best landscapes are…
In designing anything, usability is what you try to incorporate into the thing being designed. Functionality is always more important than what a product looks like.
I was recently given the beautiful Hasselblad above by my dear friend,…… American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War: Carole Gallagher, a startling look at the effects of atomic fallout from the nuclear testing in the American West on those people who lived downwind. Carole’s beautiful black and white photographs taken of the victims and families who were affected by radioactive contamination are a dramatic account of their involuntary participation in the atomic age.
In my mind, truth should be the goal of every image and the understanding of that truth, the prize.
A Skink Pinhole Pancake is a great way to create beautiful soft and dreamlike imagery with either a digital or a film camera.
To be inspired is not to copy what others create, but to use what we learn from their works to stimulate our own innovation.
This is the fourth of a number of posts that will be devoted to the construction and the use of such a camera.