Teaching Photography – Process V Seeing
“The act of teaching photography is not about teaching process. It is about teaching people …
“The act of teaching photography is not about teaching process. It is about teaching people …
In preparation for the upcoming Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event at the end of April 2014, I have decided to do a how-to post on making a very easy and fun to use pinhole camera.
“The Decisive Moment” is when all of the considerations come together. It is the time frame when everything within the image frame is in synchrony.
Personally, I find that simply toning the image makes it seem more interesting. However, I usually don’t stop there. I like to enhance the images using the incredible tools available to me through…Read more…
If you are looking for a great gift for anyone on your holiday list with an interest in photography, this book just might be the thing.
………Great for both traditional camera users as well as digital photographers.
Video – Paul Strand – Under The Dark Cloth………”To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world.” – Paul Strand
There was a time not too long ago when folding cameras were King. Many folders built around the 1930’s to the 1950’s were small, with beautiful lenses…
These lenses sometimes called prime lenses or standard lenses, produce a view that resembles the way we believe we perceive our world through normal sight. Things in the foreground, middle ground and distance are displaced visually in proportion to…
I use them for different reasons. Digital is convenient and modern but film gives me some things that digital has yet to fulfill.
Michael Bach is someone that I’ve only met on facebook. But his straight forward and matter of fact images help me to see him as a person with a…