Faking Old Processes – To mimic is a way to learn
The history of photography before the digital age is one that may not be fully appreciated by many of today’s computerized image-makers. Yet, for some reason, there seems to…
The history of photography before the digital age is one that may not be fully appreciated by many of today’s computerized image-makers. Yet, for some reason, there seems to…
Photo Positive – Shooting for Change It is very likely that my fine art colleagues know the meanings of concerned photography. Most of them practice it in one form or another. However,…
…HDR produces images, which seem closer to the way the eye sees the world. That is only true however, when the image is processed with some careful attention to maintaining natural appearances. It is way too easy to push the process into the ugly world of kitsch and gaudiness.
I am always much more interested in the way the final image looks than I am in the look and feel of a lens. The optics on this lens can produce some amazing results. Much better in my estimation than other fisheye lenses selling for much more money.
There seem to be many misconceptions about the process of HDR. HDR can create images that are pretty amazing. It can also produce images that are dreadfully awful. HDR…
Purists will only see what they want to see. But, those with a truly open-mind will look for what the photographer/artist intended.
These days, there seems to be a trend towards producing very large prints. It would seem that “the bigger the image, the better” is a common theory for photographic greatness….
Pulfrich Glasses showing a dark lens frame and an empty frame. Most people do not know this, but there is a simple way to make most any moving image…
Most of the time, you go to a place that sells camera stuff to find solutions to your photographic needs, but sometimes that perfect thing is found in the…
Thich Nhat Hanh “Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings…