Tag Archives: photo

120 Matchbox Pinhole Project – Part 7 – Install Pinhole

This is the seventh of a number of posts that will be devoted to the construction and the use of my 120 Matchbox Pinhole Camera. In the last post, we created our pinhole. In this post, we will attach it to the inside front…

Walking Away from a Gallery Inspired

While it is a great thing to have access to the abundance of imagery that exists on the internet, the actual experience of any piece of art is minimal at best.

Shoot Your HDR on a String – Make a handheld HDR support

The device here is called a String-pod. It can be an effective tool to help steady the camera during most daylight HDR sequences as well as exposure times that are…………

Nighttime Photography with a Flashlight

Nocturnal light painting with a flashlight is a way to make sure that the important subject details are illuminated in the final rendition.

A Grande Shade – Save those coffee thingies!

Most of you probably throw these things away. Found in nearly every coffee joint, they can be useful right when you need them. I keep a few of them in my camera bag just in case.