Tag Archives: seeing

Order out of Chaos? – Photography

If nature is chaotic then any image that attempts to show it otherwise is a false image. The photograph does not change the chaos. It doesn’t change the nature of the world or the universe. To me, it would be like making everything exactly the same. Every tree would look like every other… It would be difficult to impossible to tell one thing from another. the world would be bland and boring. Photography would likely be dreadfully dull.

When I photograph – Instinct and Anticipation

While the subject, light and composition are important, it is the deliberate – yet somewhat serendipitous connection between the elements that produce the image, sets the stage, and precipitates meaning.……photography

The Numbness of Winter

Photography – “Sometimes in the numbness of winter, you shoot what you can find to shoot. Cabin fever is a…

The Camera Records Much More Than An Image

The subjects you choose and the way in which you make an image tell a lot about you as a person. Photography, self-expression, camera

Babel Vision

Artists are generally only understood by other artists. Most people don’t get art at all – at least not enough to change their ways. Life is the same old story it has always been. Until the rest of the world sees the … the world will not change.