Tag Archives: thinking

Teaching is an act of Photographic Practice

The image is a way to speak. One of the more powerful uses of creativity is to use it as a way to tell. It is a language not too different from the written word. Photography is a creative process that can elevate the mind.

Evolution vs Where we are now.

“It seems to me that the minds of men have not yet fully evolved. If they had, we would not be in the terrible dilemma we all face living as we do on this very small and extremely fragile planet. ……photography and art.


Like it or not, each image you create reveals a little more of what you think, what you see and who you are.

The Image is what matters

By working, I believe it must be more than a reflection of the object. It needs to have a new life,………quotation, concept,………PHOTOGRAPHY

Passion in Pictures

In order to make a great photograph you need a worthy subject, a competent knowledge of the medium, your camera, a positive motive for making an image, something to say, and surely…


  The NOW is important! I believe that mindfulness is the key to all things spiritual. It is an awakening to the spirit of being and revelation. Mindfulness is the…