Tag Archives: denial

Bargain Bin Reality

Naturally, it would be important to know that the future was going to work out in a positive way. It makes sense that we at least look at what our science is telling us. Opinion is not an answer. ……………………I believe that Climate Reality is not fiction, it is not a hoax. I understand that it is here and realize it is real. To deny that it is not is a betrayal to humanity and to all life.

Getting that Photo Feeling

  Photography isn’t always about what makes you feel good. It can be more about what it makes you feel.   While good can be one of the effects, there…

It’s Spaceship Earth and We Are Out of Control.

Every one of us… can pretend that the world is OK. What needs to be done needs to be done in a drastic way. We need to stop, look around and rethink who and what we are. We need to rethink how and what we consume.…