Tag Archives: light

Evolution vs Where we are now.

“It seems to me that the minds of men have not yet fully evolved. If they had, we would not be in the terrible dilemma we all face living as we do on this very small and extremely fragile planet. ……photography and art.

Order out of Chaos? – Photography

If nature is chaotic then any image that attempts to show it otherwise is a false image. The photograph does not change the chaos. It doesn’t change the nature of the world or the universe. To me, it would be like making everything exactly the same. Every tree would look like every other… It would be difficult to impossible to tell one thing from another. the world would be bland and boring. Photography would likely be dreadfully dull.

Bargain Bin Reality

Naturally, it would be important to know that the future was going to work out in a positive way. It makes sense that we at least look at what our science is telling us. Opinion is not an answer. ……………………I believe that Climate Reality is not fiction, it is not a hoax. I understand that it is here and realize it is real. To deny that it is not is a betrayal to humanity and to all life.

What Walker Evans Said

Seems to me that Walker Evans was saying that there are other………………the chances are you will never rise above the average photo-buff.

The Numbness of Winter

Photography – “Sometimes in the numbness of winter, you shoot what you can find to shoot. Cabin fever is a…