Tag Archives: seeing

Nothing is Bigger than all We Know

  Photography is about the artist’s passion. Photography is about the artist’s passion. It is the realization of the photographer’s views of the world. It is about questioning what they…

Creative Creatures – Art As Self

Advice my photography teachers gave to me — “If it is something you have seen before, DON’T DO IT.” Art is the voice of your vision.

The Next Pinhole Day is April 29, 2018

Between now and April 29th, I’ll be getting ready to make and use a pinhole camera. I’ll also be posting a few posts about pinhole and pinhole related photography.

Happy New Year! 2018 A New Beginning

May 2018 be a year to end hatred, racism, bigotry, denial, ignorance, wars and greed.

Teaching is an act of Photographic Practice

The image is a way to speak. One of the more powerful uses of creativity is to use it as a way to tell. It is a language not too different from the written word. Photography is a creative process that can elevate the mind.

Using the Tamron SP 85mm f1.8 Prime lens

There are many good reasons to use a prime focus lens. Probably the most interesting to me is……Each time I go for a walk, I find something to photograph. Even if it is familiar territory such as a walk around the block, the world finds ways of changing from the time before. The 85mm Tamron F1.8 SP

Finding Light

“Photography is not found in the camera you use, what you know about…Photoshop, Lightroom…camera…