Photographic Inspiration – The real cost of oil

by John Neel


The true cost of oil - Garth Lenz @TED


The subject of the video below is just one of the things we are facing. There are many more, but this is a big one. Oil is not worth any of this. Cars are not worth it. Climate change is not worth it. Money is not worth it. The future is not worth giving up.

Nothing is worth losing to our greed for oil or our over-consumption of everything else.

Their is a huge ecological cost to oil. That cost will be felt by our children and their children. Our greed is their loss. It is ours as well.

We can’t keep taking from the Earth. We are disrupting the environment and changing the dynamics of our ecosystem. We need to stop and seriously consider the future of this planet.

If we let the corporations do what they want, we won’t have anything left. Corporations are demonic in their lust for our resources and their disregard for our planet. They will destroy what clean air we have left. There will be nothing left, no clean air, no clean water, and no beauty. They will destroy everything we love and everything we need to live. They are already doing it. They are doing it with oil. They are doing it with our water. They are destroying our food supply. They are killing us and everything we love about this planet.

The environment is one of the reasons why I shoot pictures. It is our future and the future of our children. It is one of the things that motivates me to make my art.

What about you?

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