Tag Archives: truth

Notes to Myself — For Photography and Living — John Neel

… if we just pause and look all around us we can find things in our everyday existence that are truly beautiful.

Nothing is Bigger than all We Know

  Photography is about the artist’s passion. Photography is about the artist’s passion. It is the realization of the photographer’s views of the world. It is about questioning what they…

Happy New Year! 2018 A New Beginning

May 2018 be a year to end hatred, racism, bigotry, denial, ignorance, wars and greed.

Teaching is an act of Photographic Practice

The image is a way to speak. One of the more powerful uses of creativity is to use it as a way to tell. It is a language not too different from the written word. Photography is a creative process that can elevate the mind.

The Photograph as Question

I believe it is important to question everything. To me, a photograph is meant to spur critical thought. A photograph is a way to view and interpret the world by means of examination. John Neel

The framing of an image.

To me, a quotation is similar to a photograph. It is the essence of an idea or reasoning. It works as a kind of thought bubble meant to ignite…

Beauty and the Beast – Photography in the Modern World

Life has changed photography and art. It always has. Art is all about our lives and our existence. It is a look at where we are as humans in any period of time we are in.