Tag Archives: quote

How to look at the world

“We look at the world and see what we have learned to believe is there. We have been conditioned…The act of seeing is an act of awareness.

Beauty and the Beast – Photography in the Modern World

Life has changed photography and art. It always has. Art is all about our lives and our existence. It is a look at where we are as humans in any period of time we are in.


teach amazement… Duane Michals…photography…life… teach amazement… Duane Michals…photography…life… teach amazement… Duane Michals…photography…life…

“Art Says” – “Art Does” – “Art Is”

For the following text, you might try substituting the words Artist, Painter, Writer, Actor with Photographer…

Photographic Seeing is a ZEN Experience

Zen in the Art of Photography is one of the best little photo books ever! For years, it has been my guide to image making and perhaps more importantly, to seeing.