Category Archives: Photo Quote

Discover Your Subjects Close to Home

      The act of seeing can happen anywhere. Many people dream of going to a far away place to find the exotic as subject for their work. However,…

Photographic Seeing is a ZEN Experience

Zen in the Art of Photography is one of the best little photo books ever! For years, it has been my guide to image making and perhaps more importantly, to seeing.

Every photograph is a self-portrait.

This quote has less to do with the landscape and more to do with really seeing anything. In the act of photographing, we are showing ourselves to the world. We are sharing what we see and what we care about.

Edward Abbey – Speaks

Edward Abbey – A landscape photographer’s best friend. I would say one of the best friends of our Planet. “The worse the environment gets, the more popular environmentalism becomes.” –…


Photo Worthy Life Quotes – The Photo Life

Photographic Inspiration can come from looking at and listening to other creative minds. “Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. It takes time. We haven’t time, and to…