Tag Archives: creative

Are You Ready? The next pinhole day is April 27, 2014

WPPD is a great event for anyone interested in photography. It gets us all back into the basics of light and image capture. It also allows us to realize the interest in a simple technique that captures thousands across the globe.

The Real Diana Camera – A Plastic Wonder

In the early seventies, there was an interest in the Diana as a serious camera by art photographers and by fine art photography instructors who saw the camera as a simple and inexpensive way to teach photography.

Saturday is for making art.

Saturday is for……making art……The days we have are numbered. The arts are a good way to spend them. Love art, live art…

“The Angel of Chance” and the Photograph

A good photographer knows that something interesting is imminent, present and/or just about to happen. It is something in the air, the light, the dynamics of the present moment that somehow comes together in order to fabricate a special instant of time and space.

Happy New Year! 2014

“Let’s hope 2014 will be more intelligent, rational, less materialistic, more people friendly. Let’s hope for a greener environment, with less oil, more humanity, more tolerance of others, good health for all and …”

Inspiration – Kim Keever – Fish Tank Landscapes

Kim creates his dioramas within the realm of a 200-gallon tank filled with water and photographs the final results with a camera.