Tag Archives: John Neel

Saturday is for making art.

Saturday is for……making art……The days we have are numbered. The arts are a good way to spend them. Love art, live art…

Live Picture – Software that was way ahead of its time

  Once upon a time, there was a software package that could destroy Photoshop in nearly every way. Even today, if it were still available, it could hold its own in…

The American Camera – Bolsey

  There was a time when America made some of the worlds best cameras and lenses. Believe it or not, many of the most interesting cameras ever produced were made…

“The Angel of Chance” and the Photograph

A good photographer knows that something interesting is imminent, present and/or just about to happen. It is something in the air, the light, the dynamics of the present moment that somehow comes together in order to fabricate a special instant of time and space.

Happy New Year! 2014

“Let’s hope 2014 will be more intelligent, rational, less materialistic, more people friendly. Let’s hope for a greener environment, with less oil, more humanity, more tolerance of others, good health for all and …”

You can use HDR – Just don’t call it “HDR”

HDR can be a valid way to make a normal looking image. By normal, I mean an image that to the eye looks the way we might see it in the real world.

This is what you shall do…

“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every…”

Breaking the Rules = Discovery

Creativity has very little to do with conformity. Breaking the rules allows us to develop ourselves more creatively. It is how we establish originality.