Tag Archives: history

What Walker Evans Said

Seems to me that Walker Evans was saying that there are other………………the chances are you will never rise above the average photo-buff.

Babel Vision

Artists are generally only understood by other artists. Most people don’t get art at all – at least not enough to change their ways. Life is the same old story it has always been. Until the rest of the world sees the … the world will not change.

Art is the story of man and his/her world

Art has been the barometer for all societies since the beginning. Yesterday’s art was about what the world was like. Today’s art is about the NOW. Tomorrow’s art will depend on what happens next.

Making Photographs From What We Know

Photography is a relatively new art form. It has only been around for a bit over a century and a half. In the scheme of almost every other form of the arts, that is a very small amount of time. In many ways, photography owes itself to all the arts that came before it.

A Box and a Lens – A look at an amazing little box camera

Most of these cameras were made from wood and covered with a pebbled grain cloth or paper. There were some that were made from paperboard and used a pinhole rather than a lens. More expensive versions were made from stamped metal and covered in leather. They had simple shutters and apertures.

Quoting the Photographers – Lee Friedlander

  “It fascinates me that there is a variety of feeling about what I do. I’m not a premeditative photographer. I see a picture and I make it. If I…

Intellectual Property, Inc. – The IP Mindset – How ideas are stolen.

That ownership that companies seem to exploit, including the one mentioned above, has some very negative connotations that perhaps should be addressed.

Seeing Normal – The prime / standard lens

These lenses sometimes called prime lenses or standard lenses, produce a view that resembles the way we believe we perceive our world through normal sight. Things in the foreground, middle ground and distance are displaced visually in proportion to…