Tag Archives: pinhole

Skink Pinhole Pancake – HDR, Stitched and Digitally Painted

Pinhole photography is much more than what it seems. Most pinholers only use the most obvious techniques. …the pinhole image is a starting point for many potential outcomes.

Pushing the Pinhole Image

Personally, I find that simply toning the image makes it seem more interesting. However, I usually don’t stop there. I like to enhance the images using the incredible tools available to me through…Read more…

Pinhole Photography – How to measure the diameter of a DIY pinhole aperture

Knowing the working aperture allows you to calculate the best shutter speed for exposing under different lighting conditions.……In this post, I will show you a great way to measure the actual pinhole.

Pinhole Calculator – How To Use

Pinhole calculators come in a variety of forms. Manufacturers of pinhole cameras sell various analog versions. If you make your own, as I do, you’ll need to find a way to calculate the exposure.

Only months away – April 27, 2014 is WPPD

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is a single day in April where everyone on the planet is invited to make pinhole photographs. Planning for it and building cameras helps me get through the winter months.

Wild and Crazy Pinhole Paintings

One of my favorite things to do with a pinhole photograph is to finish the image in a digital paint application. Because of their lack of hard details, pinhole produced…

Zone Sieve Pinhole Dupes

The whole lot of holes thing When I first received my package of pinhole plates from Skink, the first thing I did was mount them to my DSLR and shoot…