Rules of Composition
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like…”
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like…”
Kim creates his dioramas within the realm of a 200-gallon tank filled with water and photographs the final results with a camera.
HDR can be a valid way to make a normal looking image. By normal, I mean an image that to the eye looks the way we might see it in the real world.
“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every…”
Images taken with a Zone Sieve are soft and diffused compared to a normal pinhole result. But they also have focused details.
Creativity has very little to do with conformity. Breaking the rules allows us to develop ourselves more creatively. It is how we establish originality.
Is there anything missing on the cameras made today that you would like to have on your dream camera?
“The act of teaching photography is not about teaching process. It is about teaching people …
In preparation for the upcoming Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event at the end of April 2014, I have decided to do a how-to post on making a very easy and fun to use pinhole camera.
In the new world of camera and phone apps much of what some people think is creative happens because of software engineers who appropriated those looks from the real creative artists who originated them. Not that anyone seems to care.