Tag Archives: truth

It’s a fool’s paradise. Finding true nature is getting tough.

A photograph can purposely leave things out. Depending on the intent, photographs only shows us what the maker wants us to see. They are purposefully selective. We want to believe that the scenes are full circle, similar to what is outside the frame, factual and as environmentally pristine as they seem magnificent.

Sound, Silence and Seeing – A conscientious consideration of photography

The modern world moves at a variety of frequencies, which blend together into what might be called.… Everywhere, there are the artifacts of human technology and so-called advancement. The old and the new get layered into a maze of wires, signs, buildings, concrete, roadways…Photography is…

Thinking Out Loud – Cliché

“Ultimately, it is the photographer who needs to recognize the potential of a particular moment. It is his or her responsibility to avoid typical representations and the likelihood of producing uninspired and unimaginative photographic likeness. … ” – Read more…

Creativity Knows No Lens – or Camera

Creativity comes from within. It really doesn’t matter about the lens or the camera. The only thing that really counts is vision.

It’s Spaceship Earth and We Are Out of Control.

Every one of us… can pretend that the world is OK. What needs to be done needs to be done in a drastic way. We need to stop, look around and rethink who and what we are. We need to rethink how and what we consume.…

Passion in Pictures

In order to make a great photograph you need a worthy subject, a competent knowledge of the medium, your camera, a positive motive for making an image, something to say, and surely…

Intellectual Property, Inc. – The IP Mindset – How ideas are stolen.

That ownership that companies seem to exploit, including the one mentioned above, has some very negative connotations that perhaps should be addressed.

Envisioned Photographs – Making Rather than Taking

The concept is meant to make the viewer think about what is presented. It requires a degree of intellectual contemplation for understanding…Read more

Are We in the Golden Age of Photography?

  Recently on Facebook, the question was asked – Are we in the Golden Age of photography? Here is my two cents on that. It seems that everyone is a…