Blog Archives

The Argus C3 – “The Brick”

Better known as “The Brick” because of their resemblance in shape, size, and weight, they were one of the bestselling cameras ever produced and sold in the United States.

Beyond the Frame – Seeing Is Believing

The framing of an image is a border of sorts. To a degree, it defines what the photographer wants you to experience. But the frame also has an implied extension that goes beyond what is visible.

Sarah Sudhoff – At the Hour of Our Death

  I don’t know Sarah Sudhoff, but I understand her work. In that sense, I know something about her. I also believe I understand life a bit more than before…

Personal Perspective – Finding Your Self-Expression

The inspiration handed to you in a gallery or a book or on the Internet should be one that elevates you as an artist. It should pull you to wanting to make your work as powerful as what you are looking at. It is not about hype or being cool or making stuff up. It is about revealing truths.

Shoot from the HIP – Photographically Speaking

The method actually requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck! More importantly, it requires that you become well acquainted with your camera and your subjects.

A Magnified Look at Photographic Interpolation

The following examples illustrate what happens to the pixel structure of the image with several basic interpolation methods that are available in Photoshop.

A Picture of the World is NOT the World – Reality V Illusion and Fantasy

“We must come to the realization that our ideal world has been drastically altered. Man, his machines and his simpleminded ambitions are constantly altering the makeup of the ecosystem. All while, corporate advertising renders a world free from disruption. They show us living the good life while gliding comfortably in a luxurious car inside the fantasy of our Disney Kingdoms. We have buried our heads in their pipe dreams.”