Category Archives: Cameras

Toy and Simple Camera Use

The use of a toy camera to make an image, is not to produce shallowness, but rather … The simplicity of a tool should not impair the vision. Photography and the simple camera.

Creative Pinhole Camera Possibilities

I am a photographer that loves to experiment. Pinhole photography is a great way to learn about light. It is a crazy tool for making some pretty unique imagery that would be impossible to create with a lensed camera.

The Next Pinhole Day Is Only A Few Weeks Away

Between now and April 24th, I’ll be getting ready to make and use a pinhole camera. I’ll also be posing a few posts about pinhole and pinhole related photography.

The next pinhole day is April 26, 2015 – Will you be ready?

Between now and April 26th, I’ll be talking about pinhole cameras, pinholes, zone plates, and many other topics around pinhole photography.……Each year of the event I create a poster that you can download and post so that others can know about the event.


Yes. Even as you view the upright image on your iPhone or iPad, you are actually looking at an image that has been corrected to show you the scene with the correct orientation.

Photographic Snake Oil

All it takes is some imaginative use of the equipment you probably already own. Photography is about light. It is also about enlightenment. Neither of these requires much more than a box and a lens to capture.

Dreaming of the Sony a7

In designing anything, usability is what you try to incorporate into the thing being designed. Functionality is always more important than what a product looks like.

Sony A7 Pretty and Pretty Perfect

If you are looking for a great street camera, portrait maker, or a fantastic option to your DSLR, the a7 is at least for me, a pretty perfect camera. It does just about everything I need it to do for nearly all of the kinds of photography I love to shoot. And it does it pretty darn well.

A Hasselblad Returns

I was recently given the beautiful Hasselblad above by my dear friend,…… American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War: Carole Gallagher, a startling look at the effects of atomic fallout from the nuclear testing in the American West on those people who lived downwind. Carole’s beautiful black and white photographs taken of the victims and families who were affected by radioactive contamination are a dramatic account of their involuntary participation in the atomic age.