Category Archives: Discover

“The Angel of Chance” and the Photograph

A good photographer knows that something interesting is imminent, present and/or just about to happen. It is something in the air, the light, the dynamics of the present moment that somehow comes together in order to fabricate a special instant of time and space.

This is what you shall do…

“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every…”

Photography – A Spiritual Experience

A great little book with big ideas about image-making. I have had mine for over thirty years. Your copy will probably cost a bit more.

My Photography Friends – Bill Yates – Down Southern Roads

Fellow artist Bill Yates travels the roads of the South……The southern road seemed to beg your attention for what was just ahead. While there is plenty of this that can be seen in the rest of America, no place shows it like the south. No place else that I know shows its…

Envisioned Photographs – Making Rather than Taking

The concept is meant to make the viewer think about what is presented. It requires a degree of intellectual contemplation for understanding…Read more

Shooting the Moon …and nothing but the moon

The moon moves pretty fast through the viewfinder. If you wait too long, you’ll have to reposition the camera to keep up with it. Assuming you are photographing a rising moon, you should anticipate the movement by setting the camera up with the moon at the…

Are We in the Golden Age of Photography?

  Recently on Facebook, the question was asked – Are we in the Golden Age of photography? Here is my two cents on that. It seems that everyone is a…

My Photography Friends – Michael Bach – The View at Mt. Ida

  Michael Bach is someone that I’ve only met on facebook. But his straight forward and matter of fact images help me to see him as a person with a…