Category Archives: Film

“The Angel of Chance” and the Photograph

A good photographer knows that something interesting is imminent, present and/or just about to happen. It is something in the air, the light, the dynamics of the present moment that somehow comes together in order to fabricate a special instant of time and space.

Matchbox Pinhole – Easy to make and FUN to use

In preparation for the upcoming Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day event at the end of April 2014, I have decided to do a how-to post on making a very easy and fun to use pinhole camera.

Pushing the Pinhole Image

Personally, I find that simply toning the image makes it seem more interesting. However, I usually don’t stop there. I like to enhance the images using the incredible tools available to me through…Read more…

Pinhole Calculator – How To Use

Pinhole calculators come in a variety of forms. Manufacturers of pinhole cameras sell various analog versions. If you make your own, as I do, you’ll need to find a way to calculate the exposure.

Inspiration – Paul Strand – Under The Dark Cloth

Video – Paul Strand – Under The Dark Cloth………”To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world.” – Paul Strand

My Photography Friends – Bill Yates – Down Southern Roads

Fellow artist Bill Yates travels the roads of the South……The southern road seemed to beg your attention for what was just ahead. While there is plenty of this that can be seen in the rest of America, no place shows it like the south. No place else that I know shows its…

Collecting Old Folding Cameras – A few from my collection

  There was a time not too long ago when folding cameras were King.     Many folders built around the 1930’s to the 1950’s were small, with beautiful lenses…

Intellectual Property, Inc. – The IP Mindset – How ideas are stolen.

That ownership that companies seem to exploit, including the one mentioned above, has some very negative connotations that perhaps should be addressed.