Category Archives: Photo Education

Personal Perspective – Finding Your Self-Expression

The inspiration handed to you in a gallery or a book or on the Internet should be one that elevates you as an artist. It should pull you to wanting to make your work as powerful as what you are looking at. It is not about hype or being cool or making stuff up. It is about revealing truths.

Shoot from the HIP – Photographically Speaking

The method actually requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck! More importantly, it requires that you become well acquainted with your camera and your subjects.

A Magnified Look at Photographic Interpolation

The following examples illustrate what happens to the pixel structure of the image with several basic interpolation methods that are available in Photoshop.

To Be… or…Not To Be…like everyone else?

In order to have your work stand out from the rest you need to have something to say, as well as the ability to see. Technique without vision is of little use to anyone.