Shifting the Pinhole Hole
Most of the people who shoot pinhole images use a simple box where the focal length produces a “normal” lens effect. However, by simply using…Pinhole Photography
Most of the people who shoot pinhole images use a simple box where the focal length produces a “normal” lens effect. However, by simply using…Pinhole Photography
What on Earth is so significant about a simple jar? What does a jar have to do with anything? Photography is a way to discover and a way to think.
The use of a toy camera to make an image, is not to produce shallowness, but rather … The simplicity of a tool should not impair the vision. Photography and the simple camera.
The work… was done using many different pinhole cameras, including digital, polaroid film, and modified film cameras. WPPD Pinhole image submissions.
A stereo image can easily be created with a pinhole camera that is designed with two pinholes. Pinhole photography
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day – is a day to celebrate the simple and magical imaging technique of pinhole photography.
I am a photographer that loves to experiment. Pinhole photography is a great way to learn about light. It is a crazy tool for making some pretty unique imagery that would be impossible to create with a lensed camera.
Between now and April 24th, I’ll be getting ready to make and use a pinhole camera. I’ll also be posing a few posts about pinhole and pinhole related photography.
The landscape … For many of us, it has become a witnessing of a world that has been transformed by ravenousness consumption caused by……
An open-minded photographer looks at the world in new ways and as such, they break away from…