Shoot from the HIP – Photographically Speaking
The method actually requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck! More importantly, it requires that you become well acquainted with your camera and your subjects.
The method actually requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck! More importantly, it requires that you become well acquainted with your camera and your subjects.
Digital photography allows many things that film can’t possibly do. It offers an amazing amount of flexibility and creative possibility. But it is not the same experience as film at all.
“…the eye and the camera see more than the mind knows.” – Nathan Lyons
he Camera Obscura allowed the user to see the subject projected onto a ground glass. The projected image could be traced onto a translucent…
Zen in the Art of Photography is one of the best little photo books ever! For years, it has been my guide to image making and perhaps more importantly, to seeing.
Sebastião Salgado is a great photographer whose work is dedicated to the environment and the human condition. He is also a great environmentalist. His work is currently on view in a major exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Ontario Canada in conjunction with the CONTACT Photography Festival.
Never too technical, full of great examples and galleries, easy to read and to understand, Rethinking Digital Photography is meant to appeal to all levels of photographer, from beginners to advanced professionals.