Tag Archives: dslr

Focus Your Photography BUY My Book

John Neel opens this discussion in his new book, “Focus in Photography”. With lots of great photo illustrations and diagrams… if you want to take your photography to the next level or brush up… That makes this one of the more surprisingly delightful photography reads we’ve enjoyed recently.

Shifting the Pinhole Hole

Most of the people who shoot pinhole images use a simple box where the focal length produces a “normal” lens effect. However, by simply using…Pinhole Photography


Yes. Even as you view the upright image on your iPhone or iPad, you are actually looking at an image that has been corrected to show you the scene with the correct orientation.

Pinhole Photography – How to measure the diameter of a DIY pinhole aperture

Knowing the working aperture allows you to calculate the best shutter speed for exposing under different lighting conditions.……In this post, I will show you a great way to measure the actual pinhole.

Shooting Stereo 3D Images with a Single Camera

To take the two pictures, it is important to have the camera at the same height and in a parallel position to the first shot rather than angled toward the subject.

Adapter Remover – Crazy gadget works perfectly!

  Most of the time, you go to a place that sells camera stuff to find solutions to your photographic needs, but sometimes that perfect thing is found in the…

Why Black Cameras? Black is Beautiful, Cool and Professional

Black is Beautiful, Cool and Professional…But there are good reasons for camera black than you might think. Black cameras are usually synonymous with professional grade cameras. Black makes them stylish,…