Category Archives: Seeing

What Walker Evans Said

Seems to me that Walker Evans was saying that there are other………………the chances are you will never rise above the average photo-buff.

The Numbness of Winter

Photography – “Sometimes in the numbness of winter, you shoot what you can find to shoot. Cabin fever is a…

Babel Vision

Artists are generally only understood by other artists. Most people don’t get art at all – at least not enough to change their ways. Life is the same old story it has always been. Until the rest of the world sees the … the world will not change.

Art is the story of man and his/her world

Art has been the barometer for all societies since the beginning. Yesterday’s art was about what the world was like. Today’s art is about the NOW. Tomorrow’s art will depend on what happens next.


Yes. Even as you view the upright image on your iPhone or iPad, you are actually looking at an image that has been corrected to show you the scene with the correct orientation.

The Image is what matters

By working, I believe it must be more than a reflection of the object. It needs to have a new life,………quotation, concept,………PHOTOGRAPHY

Concept V Accident – The Visual Riddle

By abstract, I am not speaking of abstract art. I am talking about the way art is conceptualized. Art is an idea. Art deals in the abstract, which means that it twists what is shown into……

The Older – the Wiser…???

  Note: This article also pertains to photographers and creative artists. Not all who are old see what is important. There are plenty of deluded old people who contribute to our…