Tag Archives: creativity

Hype…Hype…Super Hype

Somewhere along the line, the world seems to have succumbed to the need for exaggeration in everything we do. ………Photography opens the door for seeing the world as it really exists. It allows us to realize the good as well as the bad.

Pinhole – Crazy, Wild and Playful DIY Photography

One of the beauties of the pinhole is that the shape of the container used transforms the images produced.………Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is April 27, 2014

120 Matchbox Pinhole Project – Part 7 – Install Pinhole

This is the seventh of a number of posts that will be devoted to the construction and the use of my 120 Matchbox Pinhole Camera. In the last post, we created our pinhole. In this post, we will attach it to the inside front…