Tag Archives: photography

Size Matters – Looking at Art and Photography

The computer tends to bring everything down to the same level. A painting by Monet, a photograph by Atget or Adams, ads for a camera, a car or an iPod all get the same treatment. There is no real scale, no real texture, little fidelity and no authenticity.

Cliché and Stereotype in Photography

We are all guilty of shooting cliché imagery. Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. The cliché seems to have been ingrained into our DNA.

The Camera Store – You might have called it the Camera Shop

    Believe it or not, there used to be in almost every town, small shops that specialized in selling cameras. Once, not so long ago, the camera store was…

Look and Think Before You Shoot – A Few Photo Quotes

Here are a few quotes by some of the greatest image-maker’s and an essayist, as well as a few images, which I think help to illustrate what is stated.

August 2013 – Gallery 1

These are a sampling of my personal images.

Photographic Seeing is a ZEN Experience

Zen in the Art of Photography is one of the best little photo books ever! For years, it has been my guide to image making and perhaps more importantly, to seeing.

A Matter of Perspective – Seeing what is there to see

It is easy to make images of the new, the exotic and the distant. Things that are close and familiar are much harder to see.

Easy Paper Lens Hood / Sun Shade

  Photographic solutions can be mindlessly simple. Recently, I borrowed a beautiful 500 mm Mirror lens from a friend. For its type, the lens takes excellent images. However, there is…