Category Archives: History

Seeing Normal – The prime / standard lens

These lenses sometimes called prime lenses or standard lenses, produce a view that resembles the way we believe we perceive our world through normal sight. Things in the foreground, middle ground and distance are displaced visually in proportion to…

Personal Perspective – Finding Your Self-Expression

The inspiration handed to you in a gallery or a book or on the Internet should be one that elevates you as an artist. It should pull you to wanting to make your work as powerful as what you are looking at. It is not about hype or being cool or making stuff up. It is about revealing truths.

’twas Hip to be Square

Professionals relied on the square to allow them to crop to the aspect best suited for layout in magazines and catalogs. It was an actual selling point for square format.

To Shoot Film Again – A passion that just won’t go away.

Digital photography allows many things that film can’t possibly do. It offers an amazing amount of flexibility and creative possibility. But it is not the same experience as film at all.

The Camera Store – You might have called it the Camera Shop

    Believe it or not, there used to be in almost every town, small shops that specialized in selling cameras. Once, not so long ago, the camera store was…