Category Archives: Social Responsibility

Are We in the Golden Age of Photography?

  Recently on Facebook, the question was asked – Are we in the Golden Age of photography? Here is my two cents on that. It seems that everyone is a…

What Happened to the Snapshot?

For the most part, the images people made were kept in albums and shoeboxes. The images were private, shown at family gatherings and sometimes shared with very close friends.

My Photography Friends – Michael Bach – The View at Mt. Ida

  Michael Bach is someone that I’ve only met on facebook. But his straight forward and matter of fact images help me to see him as a person with a…


WATERMARK… Directed by Jennifer Baichwal & Edward Burtynsky…WATERMARK is a feature documentary film that brings together diverse stories from around the globe about our relationship with water…

A Picture of the World is NOT the World – Reality V Illusion and Fantasy

“We must come to the realization that our ideal world has been drastically altered. Man, his machines and his simpleminded ambitions are constantly altering the makeup of the ecosystem. All while, corporate advertising renders a world free from disruption. They show us living the good life while gliding comfortably in a luxurious car inside the fantasy of our Disney Kingdoms. We have buried our heads in their pipe dreams.”