Happy New Year! 2014
“Let’s hope 2014 will be more intelligent, rational, less materialistic, more people friendly. Let’s hope for a greener environment, with less oil, more humanity, more tolerance of others, good health for all and …”
“Let’s hope 2014 will be more intelligent, rational, less materialistic, more people friendly. Let’s hope for a greener environment, with less oil, more humanity, more tolerance of others, good health for all and …”
Pinhole photography is much more than what it seems. Most pinholers only use the most obvious techniques. …the pinhole image is a starting point for many potential outcomes.
A photograph can purposely leave things out. Depending on the intent, photographs only shows us what the maker wants us to see. They are purposefully selective. We want to believe that the scenes are full circle, similar to what is outside the frame, factual and as environmentally pristine as they seem magnificent.
Fellow artist Bill Yates travels the roads of the South……The southern road seemed to beg your attention for what was just ahead. While there is plenty of this that can be seen in the rest of America, no place shows it like the south. No place else that I know shows its…
The modern world moves at a variety of frequencies, which blend together into what might be called.… Everywhere, there are the artifacts of human technology and so-called advancement. The old and the new get layered into a maze of wires, signs, buildings, concrete, roadways…Photography is…
“It fascinates me that there is a variety of feeling about what I do. I’m not a premeditative photographer. I see a picture and I make it. If I…
The following is a sampling of my nocturnal photographic work.
Every one of us… can pretend that the world is OK. What needs to be done needs to be done in a drastic way. We need to stop, look around and rethink who and what we are. We need to rethink how and what we consume.…
The moon moves pretty fast through the viewfinder. If you wait too long, you’ll have to reposition the camera to keep up with it. Assuming you are photographing a rising moon, you should anticipate the movement by setting the camera up with the moon at the…