Only 2 Days to WPPD
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day – is a day to celebrate the simple and magical imaging technique of pinhole photography.
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day – is a day to celebrate the simple and magical imaging technique of pinhole photography.
A photograph is a kind of language. It is supposed to help us see the world. It should be used to add to what we know.
When I was learning how to take pictures, I used one of these to get me out of the car when driving around looking for something to photograph.
Between now and April 26th, I’ll be talking about pinhole cameras, pinholes, zone plates, and many other topics around pinhole photography.……Each year of the event I create a poster that you can download and post so that others can know about the event.
“My goal as a photographer is not to be like anyone else. I want to be unique in my vision………”
If I have to explain it, it isn’t free to do its thing………The viewer brings their own history to the table. It is best when they are forced to think.
I’ve grown to look for it to happen. But most of the time, it just occurs. It is one of those things that makes an image that much more wonderful. It is sometimes referred to as an echo.
Intention doesn’t narrow the creative possibility. It simply makes the goals more perceivable. Serendipity follows in droves.
Photography isn’t a picture contest. Neither is it a way to make friends. Rather, it is a…………
All it takes is some imaginative use of the equipment you probably already own. Photography is about light. It is also about enlightenment. Neither of these requires much more than a box and a lens to capture.